John Aldag, Member of Parliament

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Statement Congratulating High School Graduates

Mr. Speaker, 

At this time of year, we celebrate the academic achievements of those who have fulfilled another year of studies. This includes those who have completed another year of post-secondary studies, including my daughter Hattie, and those who have convocated.  

We also celebrate the achievements of elementary and secondary schools in Cloverdale-Langley City. I congratulate all Grade 12 students who are preparing to celebrate the significant milestone of graduation, including my daughter Kalani. 

As these students pursue post-secondary education, trades training, and enter the workforce, I’d like to acknowledge their hard work and accomplishments in pursuit of their passions and life goals. 

Congratulations to the graduating and convocating classes of 2023! I look forward to seeing these graduates and graduands shape our future ideas, policies, and investments as they become leaders in our country. 

Thank you Mr. Speaker.